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Guide to Eating Healthy


Incorporating principles of both the Mediterranean* and DASH diets**, we can safely recommend:



  • Lots of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains

  • Nuts, seeds, beans and legumes.

  • Using healthy non tropical oils, such as olive oil.

  • Protein from fish (especially fatty fish such as salmon), skinless poultry, non-fat or low-fat dairy, and plant-based protein. 

  • Herbs and spices (instead of salt) for flavor.



  • Red meat (beef, steak, hamburgers, carne asada, pork).

  • Sweets.

  • Processed foods.

  • Fried foods. 


   Additional Considerations:


  • Eat 3 meals per day to keep your metabolism going properly. 

  • Moderate your portion sizes (keep to one plate, you will eat again). Even healthy, nutrient rich foods carry calories.

  • Read food labels and pay particular attention to serving sizes, amount of sodium, sugars, saturated and trans fat.

  • Prepare your own food when possible. 

  • Consider organic.

  • Apply these principles even when selecting meals from a restaurant menu, or out at a party.

  • Choose healthier restaurants (i.e. not fast food chains).

  • Losing, maintaining, or gaining weight is dependent on the ratio of energy you expend from activity to the calories of food you consume. 




*Evidence has shown that a Mediterranean style of eating may reduce the risk and mortality associated with heart disease and stroke and may also reduce the incidence of cancer and cancer related death, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.


**Initially designed to lower blood pressure, the DASH diet has also been found to lower  cholesterol, make it easier to reduce weight, and prevent onset of Diabetes.

Based on evidence, guidelines, and recommendations interpreted by Dr. Joseph Novencido from the American Academy of Family Physicians, the US Preventative Task Force, the Center of Disease Control, UpToDate, The New England Journal of Medicine, and The American Heart Association.  

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